Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Automatic Car Starter Syracuse

But listen walls and dark is dangerous .... Night of surprises

I hid in the "secret room" frustrated knowing that I had so many options to choose and I just felt helpless, do not know what to do, follow what the future had planned for me or change the rhythm of things and try a new alternative.

hear footsteps, I knew someone would come looking for me, but at this point I could not imagine who.
opened the door and saw him. Tom had followed me up here.

- How did you know I was here? .- Asked.

-I followed your scent .- he said - but I had seen before and come here .- said embarrassed.

- What do you need? .- I asked.

- Whether you okay? .- .- I said I did not expect this reaction from you .- sat next to me.

"I'm fine, thanks for caring .- I wanted to be with him but did not know if it was the right time.

"Something tells me you need to be alone .- watching me, I lower the mirada." But do not want to be left alone that made me smile .- .- .- Not in this situation

Both wanted to be together, it was strange but it felt nice, thought that Adam would come for him, but apparently not, for sure he knew why did not.

- Do you want me to stay? .- Tom asked me.

"I would love .- hug my legs and cuddle with him. Tom spent his arm around my shoulder and hugged me.

The connection is lit vision inevitably evaded me. The

time was ancient, as in the above views, I was in a room, two people were behind a curtain, the candlelight was a shadow on the wall. I walked over to where they were, moved the curtain and I could see were two men, Adam and Tom, Tom was lying on the bed and Adam sitting by his bed.

"I'll leave quietly suffering .- Adam said he saw Tom dying.

.- "I trust you answered Tom, Tom dying and weak, I had never seen that.

Adam leaned on him and bit his neck, Tom opened his eyes in despair, uttered a piercing scream and scary, it made me shiver, Adam straightened up and stared, Tom squirmed in bed and asked for repeatedly kill him, do so soon, and did not want to suffer the terrifying pain. Adam
instead just watched him and reassured him saying that would happen pornto pain and that her new life would be better. Adam turned to my direction, I watched, but did not speak, the vision ended and I returned to normal.

Tom was with me, waiting to react, I looked into her face, I blink and look twice too.

- Have better? .- Tom asked me.

"Yes, I think .- I was thinking about the vision .- When did you know Adam? .-

was somewhat surprised .- unexpected question some years ago .- said.

- How did you meet him? .- Follow with my questions.

"It is a long history .- shield.

- Did not you tell me? .- I asked.

"Sure they do, but prefer to do so .- Adam said a little nervous.

"Then go with Adam .- I got up and walked towards the door, took my hand and stopped me.

"Now is not the best time .- I said when we were face to face.

- Why not? .- Insisted.

"Your not supposed to know that lamented .- .- How do you know? .-

" It's my second gift .- .- Visions reminded of the past .- I observe .- impressed happen when I have contact with someone, usually someone who relates to me .- I explained.

- What did you see? .- Ask me anxious. Adam

"That you became a vampire .-

" Then you have not seen much .- highlighted the relief in her voice, let it go .- .- caress my cheek and put his face to mine.

"No Tom, I have to know what happens here .- I dropped his hand movements, left the room and walk to the room where were the others.

- Marian! .- Shouted someone from one of the corridors, was Anne!.

- Anne! .- I excited .- How you been? .- Years have not seen (literally).

"Very well answered by education .- .- I've been looking .- I said.

"Well here I am, what do you need? .-

-Aro sent me for you, want you to see immediately .-

-.- Then he smiled and walked toward his office, Anne road with me.

- How was your stay here? .- Ask me to make conversation. "Well ....

problems of love and love .- I answered, she smiled and giggled musical. "I see

was thoughtful .- .- Adam, Tom and Kevin? .- Asked.

How wise? .- Yes, those three guys go crazy .- I replied jokingly.

"Do not worry, soon you will not have more problems with it .- we approached the main tower.

- Why you say that? .- Desconserto me the answer.

She hesitated a bit before answering .- I ire in two weeks right? .- Asked, I nodded .- Then you will not have to worry about it, only for Adam .- laughed softly.
that, if clear .- I joined their laughter .- Have you heard about your brother? .- Insurance and had gone to visit Edward and Alice.

his face change into something melancholy .- .- Not much under their eyes .- Edward and Alice just told me that Rose was still studying and planning to remarry him .- both smiling with that idea.

- Again? .- I was surprised.

"If, as already finished their studies, they plan to marry again .-

" It's amazing, they already have more than three weddings and I have a boyfriend .- I just joke with the idea. Anne smiled

.- .- What was unique was his reply.

, you'll want this .- you're told to cheer.

"If I think, although I can not go .- aaa so I was sad.

- Why not? .- Still a lot to go to the office, would have time to know what happened to Anne during the two weeks since I had seen her. ..-

-Veras was a little unsure of what was going to tell .- Normally I have not been around here because the Volturi have me as a representative of royalty, travel around the world to recruit vampires with the best gifts to be part of the guard .- I said.

- So your recruiter to "elect"? .-

-Si, also localize to Edward and Alice to be your teachers .-

- So if you saw Emmett? .-

-Si. - uh, I've caught .- Convivio very little with him, because with me Demetri

-Anne .- ...- needed to know the truth, I immediately heeded .- You know that story ring me? .-

Anne was stunned, did not know that answer, was silent.

-Anne, if you do, why do not you tell me Anne? .- He insisted.

I stopped before it came and looked into my eyes .- I'd do anything to protect them, my family .- .- But I said listen walls and dark is dangerous .- .- Key told me So I'm afraid we have to talk after we reached the door .- office Aro and stopped.

-Anne, is it safe to tell me what happens? .- Asked in a whisper.

She nodded and kissed me on the forehead .- .- Aro awaits you reminded me and then opened the office door, we both went in and Aro resiviĆ³.

- My dear Marian! .- As enthusiastic as ever, then turned to see Anne Anne .- Thank you, and can retire .- said gently.

Anne nodded and turned me last to see Anne .- .- Goodbye I said goodbye, she just smiled and left the office.

"Dear .- Aro and immediately called me to pay attention .- .- We have matters to discuss

.- Let's talk then ring was willing to know the new plans that Aro had for me.

-You are so bold .- praise me. "Thank

Aro .- I said.

"Over here dear .- I pointed the way to its balcony, walk ahead and joined my step away. Did not know what was up but it seemed a new deal. Girls

I leave the chapter, I hope to publish soon, I'm working on the new chapter. Anne

regret missing your character for a while, but as I said, I have plans for him and you see she is a key link in the home of Marian, also participated in several meetings.

Cairne Take care girls ... Mary Anne *


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