Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stringent Tightlacing

Someone knocked at the door .. I got up and opened it.

- What are you doing dressed like that? .- Wonder Leighton surprise, she wore a fabulous dress of crimson silk.

-not to wear desganda .- I replied.

"Put the dress I bought and down, it's time .- said a little upset and left. I closed the

door and pull me back in bed ... I hated not knowing how much to wear and how to combine my clothes. He was about to settle down well when played back to the door.

- Who is it? .- Yell from the bed. No one answered .....

I stayed there lying on the bed ... waiting for the next knock on the door.
Surely the answer is not believed that it was not ... uff ... so it is better .. I have no desire to go to the ball.

suddenly ... the door was asota against the wall and they all went to my room ..
Michael, Kevin and Tom took me by the arms and lifted me, Leighton, Blake and Nicole took my clothes closet looking for my dress, Alexis and Emma looked all over my shoes and accessories.

- Leave me alone! .- Angry yell.

"You leave when you're ready .- Michael told me.

"But I do not want to go .- I said annoyed.

"You know that if I just need help .- Kevin said, gave him an angry look, he just turned.

-Tom, help me .- I asked.

-Marian, this is the only way to go to the dance .- excused himself.

I gave up and be more quiet, only saw running from one side to the other preparing my clothes.

Nicole Blake and I got the dress, Alexis and Emma put shoes and accessories, Leighton was offered to fix my hair, the boys just looked at me and laughed.

When they finished they left and me left in the care of Tom, the other wanted to be on time to dance.

I approached the mirror and I see occurring during a while, went round and changed my poses, though I'm not convinced what he saw, that girl was not me.

"You look beautiful .- Tom was behind me watching.

"Thanks, uff guess I have to go to the ball .- I lamented.

"Yes, we expect .- sometimes I did not like using the plural when accompanied him.

"Better go down, Nicole is eager to dance with you .- I warned.

-You will have to wait .- answer it while I watched.

of power and was all red blush, his gaze with longing and hope, something of tenderness and affection.

- Are we going? .- I asked. "Of course .-

answered and took my arm. Both

we left the room, walked through the halls of the tower until you reach the staircase.

temor. Look down with I do not want this silly dress tropesarme .- reproached.

Tom took my hand and took me in her arms ... I was surprised, not expecting anything like that.

I do not want to fall down the stairs .- I said in response.

I smiled and I hold her neck, down the stairs in a twinkling of an eye, reaching under me carefully.

"It was necessary to carry me .-

-.- It is called chivalry he said.

His answer made me smile, he always so nice and caring ... it sometimes seemed to Edward about it.
The memory of my brother made me a little sad, as I missed my home, my family, everything, missed Forks.

- Are we going to dance? .- I asked.

"Sure, why you ask? .- I miss your question.

"I missed some time in your mind .- I said.

"There's nothing to worry about you secure .- .- They must be waiting, let me .- forward a few steps, he followed me and walked to the salon, we come closer and I could hear the music. Entering the salon

others turned to see us, I felt like someone important.

- Why do we look? .- Secretly asked Tom lie passed upon the dance floor.

"Maybe because you look beautiful .- your answer was not enough.

arrived with others "chosen" and we all welcomed and commented on our entry.

"You look beautiful .- Kevin was watching me.

.- I replied "Thank you flattered.

-How beautiful is that dress you said .- Penn. "Thank

Penn, how are you? .- I still worried about this morning.

"Well, do not worry I replied smiling .- .- I'll be better if you dance with me .- the boy knew how to make an invitation.

Take your hand and we go on the track music guided our steps and looks followed our path. When the song ended, we met with others.

"It was a pleasure to dance with you .- Penn bowed.

-Penn also do not need much theater .- I replied, he smiled and joined Blake in the next song.

"That is my partner pretty tonight .- someone said behind me, I turned and it was Michael.

"Thanks Michael .- he always made me laugh .- You look good .-

- Want to dance? .- Got a little more serious, a little nervous. "Of course .-

extended his hand and I take both danced to music for hours.

- Do you think Alexis bother? .- asked me worried as I watched her talk with others.

I do not think he knows we're just friends and I think now would be nice to dance with her .- recommends.

"Yes, I think it best .- I get to where were the others and approached Alexis, after that and did not see them.

I stood there, thinking all I wanted to be with my family, I bend my head, I saw my shoes and shine of the fabric of the dress.

- Marian? .- Asked someone in front of me, I lifted my head.

- Adam! .- I jumped into his arms.

hugged him and as he did so behind us saw Kevin and Tom, we both saw; surprise, and sadness desepcion noticed on his face. I was surprised to see them, seeing them hurt me so, the better I closed my eyes and adjust more to Adam. I get off and we locked eyes.

"I love you .- this word burned my skin and set my heart ... sorry to know that I have not felt that feeling for him.

Well girls .. hehe .... it's something that's all for today ... we'll go to read the next chapter, so far.

With love ... Mary Anne *


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