Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Beige Color For Bathroom

released me and looked me in the eyes with tenderness.

"But what are you doing here? .- Asked surprised.

"A long history .- take a lock of my hair and began to play with, avoiding responding.

- can you tell me? .- I said impatiently.

"Sure, but first I have a surprise .- loosed my hair and took my hand.

- More surprises? .- Did not know what was up.

"If he said .- .- .- Do not come alone that made a light of hope lit in me.

- Who else is? .- Ask enthusiastically.

.- "I really just say it.

I get out of the room and walked up to my room, I stopped at the door and I turned to see it, we locked eyes, it was cute, but I wanted to know what was the surprise.

He did not speak and I wanted to know was happening .- Adam? .- .-

"Tell me was his only reply.

- What do we expect? .-

"Oh yes !.... behind this door is your surprise .- below me and put my hand on the handle .- But first I want to watch you put a little longer .- his hand over mine to stop.

that I can only look into his eyes, was impatient, but he was so sentimental that I decided to complaserlo.

.- "I Love You told me after a while, I did not know else to do, so I smiled.
He stayed watching me, waiting for a response.

-Amm ... I ....-

Someone inside opened the door and shot.

- Oh Adam!, You make a lot of emotion! .- Alice was more desperate than I .- I let it go! .-

- Alice! Embraced .- .- What are you doing here ? .-

"What we do here .- corrected me.

- Are we? .- Did not understand.

-Si .- Alice was saying entusiasmada.-Edward and I .- I said.

- Edward! .- Shouted excitedly into the room and ran, he was there, sitting up in bed as calm as ever smiled at me and opened his arms, ran and embraced him.

- How have you been? .- I wonder.

"Strange replied .- .- I want to go home .- acorruque me more into it.

"Do not worry, soon we will go home .- I was surprised he used the plural in the sentence.

- Do we go? .- Asked.

"Yes, Alice, Adam, you and me .- said.

- Why? .- Had a whirlwind of emotions, joy, excitement, worry and fear; did not know what was up. "Well .....-

moved me for me to sit next to him .- Aro has asked us to train the members of his new group, wants us to be part of the elect, and we'll stay go when you fulfill your sentence .-

- What if it fulfills its promise? .- I .- Aro worried that agreement has been made public for not fulfilling his word .- remembered the other promises he had made.

"This time it seemed committed hara .- .- In another case you do not worry and enjoy your night .- encouraged me.

- My night? .- I do not know anything about what they said.

"Yes, do not you know? .- I'm seeing, I did not reply .- Aro organized this dance for your success achieved this morning .- I said.

"My dance" ... I had never had my own dance.

.- I had no idea "I replied still a little way.

"Boys, did not want to interrupt, but you have to return to your dancing .- Alice entered the room.

- Do not go? .- I was surprised that Alice not want to go to a dance.

- Of course not, "said Alice .- .- Watch it come fascists! .- Complained, who brought the clothes, the clothes were cute, but I knew Alice.

Go back to the ball, do not worry .- .- Adam Edward encouraged me go with you, we settle into our rooms .- pushed me to to leave the room.

Adam took my hand and took me with him, I turn to see Edward watching me still smiling, "I love you", I thought to myself, Edward smiled.

walked to get back to dancing, there arrive we all looked at again as I saw stood out from the crowd, the eyes of Kevin and Tom. We arrived with the others who were dancing.

Kevin came to us .- You want to dance? .- I asked. "Oh sorry

.- I felt somewhat uncomfortable with the situation come together .- .- But turn to see Adam.

"Nice, I'm Adam .- was presented very polite.

- How he is Adam? .- Kevin said a little surprised .- .- My name is Kevin showed up.

- Did I miss something? .- Adam asked, confused.

-Kevin is a friend I met here on arrival .- explain.

"Yes, friends Kevin muttered .- .- .- Very good friends said after a while.

"It's a pleasure to meet such a good friend of Marian .- Adam was happy.

Kevin said "Sure .- .- I retreat, a pleasure to meet you .- Adam went to where the girls were dancing.

was concerned, Kevin had acted strange not know what to think, but I think our relationship is no longer the same, except with Adam here.

-Quiet .- .- Adam hugged me Remember that I already what happened, there is nothing to bother me .- undies my head on his shoulder .- Now introduce me to Tom .- said animated.

"Sure, Tom is my best friend, almost like my brother .- answered and take it along.

We approached Tom, who sat in a corner of the room. I stood in front of him and greets him.

-Tom, Adam brought you .- I said to Adam.

"A pleasure to meet the boyfriend of Marian .- extended his hand to greet Adam, this took her hand and greeted him.

"The pleasure is all mine .- Adam replied.

-Adam .- Tom stood .- I can steal your girlfriend a while? .- Adam was surprised .- Yes, I want a dance with her .- explained.

- Want to dance? .- Adam asked.

-A while .- Tom gave me his hand and took me to the dance floor.

took me by the waist and started dancing, others were watching us, but we esab unrealistic. Tom saw me and I felt intimidated.

-Quiet .- .- I said OK, do not do anything wrong .- .- caress my face just dance, just that .- I remembered. -Tom

take your hand .- .- .- know I can not remembered him.

"Nobody has said something annoying tied .- .- You decide, no matter that he already has seen the future, you can change history .-

-No Tom, do not know if I can do this .- and did not want to cause more damage .- I do not want to continue with the same game .- was tired of innuendo and indecent proposals.

"As I would hope that if .- .- As was saying I wish I knew before .- took my waist .- Before Adam, before all, just be you and me forever and forever .-

I looked down, I imagined the story was beautiful, the fairy tale of every girl, but I already had a past, a dark past, who would not let me be happy.

"Tom, do not know how I would have liked to spend everything you say .- .- But I was sorry and I did not continue with my life and if my destiny is not loved, then so will I let go and left .- running, did not want to think what might have happened, or I could have had.

I ran and ran, leaving behind the world and my past. Girls

all for today ... uff me to post late, I know, and publishes more often, I'm on vacation!, So I shall endeavor to continue the story.

Take care, with love .... Mary Anne *


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