Saturday, July 24, 2010

Brookstone Travel Sentry Lock Reset

let go and then fell rendered in bed, just what had been a few days ago and was now dead, dismembered and made parts of the fire, as had been imagined me, I had done it before that, it was fatal.

Adam, my Adam, the guy who claimed to be my love forever, that I expected, was waiting for me, hated my infidelities and whims, he who always faithful to me, and I never try to fool a fool who never values.

averigurar because I had to kill him, but only Aro .. mmm ... would know how to bring the truth?

"I feel so much .- Marian Anne was still beside me, tears came out of her eyes. Anne-Quiet

.- even so had the strength not to mourn is not your fault .- .- I put my hand on his hand in a gesture of friendship.

- Noo! .- Anne shook my hand de su hombro.- ¡Si es mi culpa!.- sollozaba.-¡Yo lo pude evitar!.- seguia.

-¿De que hablas Anne?.- no entendia nada.

-Aro me encargo vigilar a Adam y yo no lo hice, lo deje pasar, despues Aro me mando contigo y ya no supe de él.- Anne se sentia culpable de su muerte.

-Anne tu no lo mataste, fueron ellos.- le consolaba.

-¡Tu no entiendes!.- me saco de onda.- ¡Era mi responsabilidad, mi tarea!.-

-Pero tu no lo mataste.- le di un pañuelo.- ¡Asi que deja de culparte!.- creo que subi mi tono.

Anne calmo su sollozo y me miro sorprendida.

-Deja las lagrimas Anne.- le ordene.- Que ya nada se puede hacer, mejor dejarlo ir now, before the feeling take over you .- I stood out of bed and went to look in the mirror, I saw evil, the same circles as usual, gave little importance and wash my face, my hair suits I dressed in my jeans and a blouse that made Anne for bringing me, I put the shoes and headed to Anne .- You better fix it .- I suggested, she under the bed and went to the bathroom, I held out my bed and went to the library to desaburrirme while Aro arrived.

Take the same book and read it over, the truth was eager to read that and nothing, would not mourn, collapsible and feel that the world was falling only because Adam would not have to, would not, did not want to be hypocritical, I felt, but I knew that unless it is demonstrated while there was, why mourn now that does not exist?, had no sense at all, well, for me.

- Marian! .- Anne yelled from the room .- Aro arrived! .- That fast.

Between the fourth and Aro as there was always smiling, beside his guards and Anne sat on the bed. "Good morning

Aro feigned a smile .- .- What shall we do today? .-

" Well, that tasty dear today .- Aro was surprised .- But before changing his tone .- You voice .- I have bad news ... emm .. your boyfriend, Adam, ah yesterday committed a crime and was punished for it .- I looked worried about my reaction.

"Oh, it hurts, what done? .- take it as any problem.

-discovered trying to escape, fortunately not .- I have just explained.

- And that deserves death? .- I betray myself.

"Certainly not, my child, but found that not only he planned to escape, but most of those elected were with him, that if he deserves the death .- apparently let it go.

"I'm sorry for them .- walk to get to bed and sit next to Anne .- That issue has to deal with me then? .- Wanted to go unnoticed.

"As always loved going to the point .- I compliment.

I do not like to waste my time .-

"Of course, this day enter the room, so Please follow me .- led us to the door behind the curtain and the two walked through the dark to reach the room, there was the guard waiting for us.
Aro, what shall we do? .-

"Easy dear, this time your gift helps another grows up and can dominate .- I sat in a chair and ordered him to guard someone to sit on the another, I asked my focus, I put all my attention on the boy and felt like flowed gradually felt that fire, that flame that was lit, use the anger I felt and let it flow into him and ...... I did, I did!, the boy fainted and I opened my eyes, all gathered around and saw me happy Aro, with greed. I knew now that my gift grew in power, would not let me go.

"I think that's enough for now .- I stop and walk to the door, the guard stopped me.

"Easy dear, as I promised I will take you to the castle being that tomorrow is your last day with us .- .-

" Of course I agreed and let me guide you to the exit, where the house was a black car waiting for us to tinted glasses, then went up and took us to the airport where he boarded the plane, first class, do not expect less from them, I was traveling with Anne, both guarded by the guard. Arriving

-Cullen will call on, should know that you will be in the castle and go out tomorrow to pick you up, I hope join you later .- Anne whispered in my ear. Quiet

-Anne, will be fine .- I smiled and then looked to see the beautiful scenery that I had from the heights.

Hours passed and I felt bored, suffocated, would arrive the next day, the trip only took a few hours and it was dark, had no intentions of doing nothing bother me.

- Want to see something? .- I asked Anne, who took the look of your Blackberry and I listened. Show

-.- said. "Watch this

.- consentre me as much as I could and felt the fire running through my veins, closed my eyes and I see the guards, except Anne, and all eyes were open faint around us, if it was fun.

Anne was scared and I could not stop laughing.

"Leave that, we can do something .- Anne was a little upset.

"Do not worry, I'm handling this in a few days I will go on perfection .- calm and kept me looking out the window. Girls

is little know, but I can not think more, I hope to publish soon, sorry.

With love ......... Mary Anne *


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