Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ratchet And Clank Furry Yiff

Back Back home

We arrived and I felt at home, at last, the overcast sky was fantastic and cold towards everything much better, and wanted to get home, being in my room and catch up with all.

This time we ran home through the woods, felt so good, I loved running through the forest, was like living it all over again, others ran to me around, I actually tasted each odor reached my nostrils, but not all did so well when I felt a particular scent, known throat burned me long ago that he went hunting, I drift away and follow the scent to go with a deer, a fierce attack in cold blood, drinking warm blood, even after several deer I felt empty, sniff other flavorings in search of some feline, again my nose led me to another side, reaching the lake, had a human blood but not as I wanted, I slowly close when something hit me taking me to speed up the insides of the forest, was Edward, the others around me.

- What's wrong? .- I bother with it.

.- "You were going to attack is justified.

"Of course not, I was full, only the scent seemed familiar and I approached to investigate .- blame him as I removed it off and I stood up.

- Are you okay? .- Carlisle approached.

The others looked at me stunned and excited.

- What happens? .- Was upset with them.

"We thought you were going to attack .- Alice answered.

"Of course not .- I was removing the soil and the leaves of clothing.

-But you were hunting, you had the instincts of a hunter, you were dangerous .- Jasper looked at me confused.

"But I'm not well, do not you trust me? .-

" So do not stopped, I knew you would not .- Emmett was smiling and my side. "Thanks Emmett

.- I replied, at least he believed in me.

"But you had so much without hunting, we thought you'd Rose was unusual .- with Emmett and I looked just like the others waiting.

"No, of course not, the smell is familiar to me, only I did not know who was flipping my hair .-

" Okay, forgive us, we go home .- Carlisle guided us back home.

ran to the house and all the way no one spoke to me.

We got home and then enter.

"Welcome home .- Esme was sitting next to Bella.

"Finally home .- I said as I hugged her.

"Welcome .- Bella stopped to say hello.

"Thanks Bella smiled .- .- If you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room .- I went upstairs and get to my room, my things were in order and my clothes had been renewed Alice perhaps, from my secret garden and stayed there, it was eager to make a big mess on my arrival.

Narrated by Edward:

Marian went to her room and the others we were surprised by their reaction.

- What happened? .- Esme turned to see us. His mind processed what happened and drew erroneous conclusions and all blame us.

"I was hunting and approached a human .- Esme's thoughts were headed to the worse .- But they attacked just wanted to find out who he was, he looked familiar aroma .- Carlisle reassured him but inside wondering if who was that man in the lake.

"I'm glad you came .- Bella was heading for door.

- Are you going to the cabin Bella? .- Alice asked. Vei I wanted to accompany her and show her the clothes I buy in Italy.

-Si .- she replied as she opened the door.

.- "I'll walk you offered me before Alice, she stuck her tongue out as he left after Bella.

Outside the house I accommodate the passage of Bella, walked slowly as we walked towards the small stream that divided the house of the cabin.

"It must be beautiful Italian landscapes .- Bella started

" Yes, a lot, every time I go I still look just as beautiful as the first time .- came to my mind are those afternoons in the vineyards and dinner in light of moon. Everything seemed out of a magazine.

- Every time you go? .- Surprised.

"Yes, when I go visit with the family of Carlisle

.- We reached the creek bank and she was already planning how to jump between the rocks that served as a bridge to avoid getting wet. Take it in my arms and the load, she took him unexpectedly and then was careful not to fall. The drop across the river and it was incorporated, taking care not to lose balance.

Camio together at the cabin, expecting to spend more time with her.

Narrated by Marian:

I got bored and decided to go down to the room to see what Alice had brought from Italy.

Down the stairs I realized that there were, it seemed strange, maybe it had gone hunting.
Walk into the kitchen and saw a note on the table:

right, we went hunting in Goat Rocks, again in a few days, we'll let you think and be at ease.

believed that she was upset, too bad, I just wanted to be a quiet time to get used to so many people, when before I spent alone in the castle of the Volturi.

I had the house alone for me, of course, as Edward it would happen with Bella, now that he loved her. Had time to go into the woods and find out more about the boy who was near the lake, I slipped trying to Edward did not catch me in the very attempt.

I went into the woods and find the aroma, located several miles to the east, let me guide him, and was not in the lake, was among the trees, I followed with more care to avoid the deer and some cats inhabiting the forest. Walk into one of the tallest pines and the scent was lost there, I kept looking when you turn up and there it was, the aroma and the boy.

- What are you doing up there? .-

-hunting .- I said something I worried about not turning much and fall.

- What fighters? .- Prompted interest in his peculiar way of hunting.

-Bears answered .- doubtful, seemed more of an invention of time.

- Bears? "Forks? .- .- If I were looking bears rei You should go to Goat Rocks, here there is only deer and pumas .-

- help me? .- I could not lose.

-scale course .- pine and fits me so that they stay behind me, I asked just hung on and get off a jump, felt the air and asoton on the ground, waited not feel bad about it .- You okay? "Something

.- .- slowly got out and sat on the floor leaning against the tree .- .- I did not expect was that sick, seemed stunned.

I sat with him and me is watching the scenery .- What you came Caleb? .- Knew he was lying.

-I miss you .- I said I am .- same without you .-

- What about your girlfriend? .- the memory of his excuse to return to ipswich came to my mind.

"It's what I wanted to talk .- Stop a moment to stand up and stand in front of me to claim my attention, I turn to see. - But here there .- I reached out and I take, no assistance was required but did not want to be rude, he was behaving like a gentleman. Standing and gave me a hug which responded as a friend. After guided him to the house, all the way do not talk, we got home and offered him water, which he followed me into the kitchen. Volume

a drink of water and sat on a chair .- Are you upset because I'm here? .-

-No .- I I said while looking in the refrigerator snow Esme had bought for Bella.

"I thought if .- said very innocent.

I pass a glass of snow and sat in front of him so we could talk better.

- So? .- Encouraged him.

snow I take a tablespoon and taste .- I had to go to ipswich had problems and needed me, but now everything is fine and I decided to go back, I was hoping that would give me a chance .- I avoid my gaze eating snow.

never have imagined, but what was to the bride?, Do and had forgotten?. And it's not so easy veolver and pretend that nothing happened, it is not, so this does not work.

"It's not easy Caleb have past several months, six months to be exact, and remember that you were the one who decided to leave saying I love someone else .- I remembered, I felt some pain and despair at the memory.

-I knew that would not be so easy and I'm sorry, I just ask one chance, do not

desepcionare .- "This is not a deal, is to give to the person you love is for life, you understand that?. - did not want to make it easy for he was my love, my first boy, whom I give one hundred percent.

"I understand, I know I hurt you but it will not do it, I am completely and totally give myself to you, I give it my best and be yours forever, and if possible make you my wife .- sounded determined.

I was surprised, "make me his wife," mmm .... I was to think it over, we were talking about a bigger commitment, but first we have to start a relationship, it was clear.

"You left a void in me when I went away and now you come back you make me so happy, of course I want to be your girlfriend again .- was smiling and radiant, just happy.

-Great .- smiled and I could see the whiskers had marked snow, made me laugh, take a napkin and I went over to wipe his face, he evaded my hand with a napkin and stepped closer to me holding my shoulders come to him and thus ending with a sweet kiss cookie flavored snow.


all for today, sorry not to rise in 3 days but my sister has been letting me use the computer claiming to have "homework" (aka: facebook + MSN + other web sites that are not performed) hehe so good advantage on the night he left for write the chapter.

PS: keep in mind that I have social life and a vacation and I have to enjoy my remaining days yet, so can not come up two chapters per day, but I'll try to do it more often.

Please continue commenting, I appreciate it.

With love ......... Mary Anne *


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