Friday, July 2, 2010

Strabismus Surgery In Toronto

Catherine's room

woke and light filtering through the window calo me in the eyes, under my padded felt, I was lying on a huge bed, a bundle of blankets is stretched over me, remove them off and I managed to stand, the ground was cold, white marble, the room was huge, something old, the walls had a peach color, through her eyes and was increasingly details that made it interesting: a wooden closet, a mirror medium, two doors that I know Insite what was behind them, a small tea table and two chairs that were toward the window.

Who could have lived here? and why that Alec had brought me to this room?, both questions made my imagination to formulate various conclusions, each and every one as likely as the others.

Walk up to the door that was beside the mirror, the forse and not opened, continue with the other and pass the same, frustrated, I sat on the bed and try to think of as going out, I leaned upset again and put all over my sheets to cover my head, making me feel flushed and hot, the minutes passed and nothing happened, it was beginning to turn boring. When ... listen how to open a door and closed with the same stealth, someone walking toward me, sat at the foot of the bed and did not move, I was filled with uncertainty, but still not wanted to find out.

"If you keep well, I can not talk to you .- Aro's voice resonated in the room, seemed nice.

I uncover and incorporate me, sit on the headboard of the bed.

-Ya is better .- Aro seemed cheerful .- .- I see you're upset I had no idea that reflected my face.

- What am I doing here? .- Did not know that Alec had done to bring me here.

-Solo are precautions dear .- kept smiling Aro .- You have not done anything wrong, do not take it as a punishment, but as

holiday .- "But I did not want to reproach you vacation .- .- What did I do to deserve this? .- innocence is obvious in my voice.

-Solo is a time ..... avoided answering .- .- If the situation happens again you can merge with your friends and family .-

"You have not answered my question .- was determined to do respond.

Alec She was rushed, but he is right, it is not convenient for you to have a relationship at this time .-

- Why not? .- Now believed my own.

"You concentrate on your workouts, and almost get your fifth gift . - Ah that that was it, my fifth gift is the only thing they wanted.

"You know very well that I'll be gone by the end of this week .- The sentence had already been said, I would go on Friday, of course, if Aro conform with what was said.

"No problem, dear, your out of here by that date .- his features were no longer the same, now looked like a fake smile.

"I appreciate that adhere to the treatment, Aro .- hid my smile felt distrust .- I can know where my brothers? .- Did not know as would stay, but had to ask.

-are at the castle, came at night .- trying to separate us by all means .- You are aware that you are here .- did not believe at all in that.

- Where am I? .- Knew that was not in the castle.

-are in the room .-

Catherine - Catherine? .- Had not heard of it.

"Yes, the former owner of this room, a human who possessed wealth wholesale haggard widow, died years ago, is said to have hanged himself in the bathroom, leaving his fortune hidden in this room, though sincere siendote I have not taken the task of searching for an immortal like us, that's not a priority .- prompted me to stay, but all I wanted was to leave as soon as possible .- But quiet dear, I promise to get out of here Thursday .-

"I thank him Aro smiled again .- .- Can visit my brothers? .-

"No dear, it's too much to ask .- ask?, It was he who begged for more.

- So who will train me? .- He had no choice, so he had brought to my brothers.

"What makes me personally .- demons! was determined not to let me have contact with my acquaintances.

"Oh, all right .- anger overwhelmed me, I knew he would not let me out, if I did that my family would come for me and this may end in a dangerous fight.

"Then we will then dear .- Aro said goodbye and left through a door behind the curtains that had been near the window. I had not realized that was there, something Aro let the saw, perhaps thinking that if I escaped, it would the perfect excuse for not fulfilling their part of the agreement.

I woke up and I look in the mirror, yuck!, Where fascists I was, I had to change me, but I had no clothes, look in the closet and only saw anitugos dresses, all very fluffy and some steamy, I decided for a lime green color that was hiding, it means, and if I go in, look for some shoes and I chose the most decent and less dated, I had a half a tail and I was ready, but did not know so that I could not get out. , Try to force a door, and to my surprise when opened, enter a room as big as the bedroom, and even more, looked like a library, thousands of books, old paintings, a chair, a table and a window through which sunlight streamed, still possessed several torches served to illuminate the room, there was dust so I figured Aro had ordered clean, I approach one of the shelves and look something that was interesting to me, he knew of no title, so take that caught my attention more, I opened and started, it was written in Latin, Edward luckily had taught me a little, that would help me understand. Reach

half of the book and I stayed there, had no intentions to follow, was a novel, but not the ones I liked, this was murder and infidelity, is seeing me around me when I heard steps in the other room, I got up immediately, pulling the book and ran to find out what happened.
Enter the room and immediately someone hid behind the curtains.

- Who's there?! .- Shouted.

- Marian? .- Asked several voices behind the curtain.

- Who are you? .- Did not recognize.

"Wait ... do not attack us .- I recognize the friendly voice. Get out .-

-ordered. Michael left behind

accompanied Edward and Alice. Immediately ran to hug them.

- Are you okay? .- Edward was worried.

"Yes, do you? .-

" We do not have much .- I stopped and watched, seemed agitated.

- What happened? .-

-Jane and Alec tried to take us to jail .- Michael said.

-escape thanks to Michael .- Alice continued .- I had already seen where you Trairi, Edward mental and located your voice so we could get here .-

"I'm glad you escaped .- Aro had been lying to me .- Aro had told me they had arrived last night .-

"I said .- ill .- Michael followed the both arrived two days ago, when we reached the top of the castle me in the hallway, but we will not find you, then follow your to the forest trail, we met Adam curling when Jane was helping him out of the trees, we found Alec ran but the other side then take the arms and end here .-

- What were you doing here? .- Edward look out the library door.

"Oh, I was exploring .- I approached him and four to enter the library.

Edward took the book from the floor and read them .- What happened here? .-

"Nothing, I was reading that book, but I liked the story, is of murder and infidelity .- I frown.

"Yes, you are more cheesy .- declare Alice. Michael laughed.

"These stories that you did not like Edward began .- .- .- happened here that left me colder than I was.

- What you say Edward? .- Alice was just as surprised as me.

-Si, are stories that happened in this place and its characters are the ones who lived here before .-

I was speechless, I shuddered to think where I had locked.

's all for today, publishes in a few days, the weekend I will go to a wedding out of town, but do not worry I have to return for Monday, because as I had told them ahead of a subject.

With love ......... Mary Anne *


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