Sunday, July 18, 2010

Military Retirement Dresses

Wicked fun roommate. Fifth

After a while, which to me seemed an eternity, consiencia recover and the pain of my body ceded again once was as pirmera in the same room but this time on the floor.

Me stood up and felt the ravages of pain, some dizziness and vertigo, support me in bed and wait until both pass, why Jane had attacked me? did not even have an excuse to do it, that was wrong and I would stay with his arms crossed.

The moonlight streamed through between the window, I went to see the landscape that I had, the darkness of the night was a bit melancholy, but when the going on in this room of this house with horrible backgrounds, wanted have company, someone who was with me during my incarceration, only that I wanted. Probe

be better and walk towards the door of the bathroom and everything was very nice and old, that touch it to see more beautiful; turned on the water and bring to wet my face, rub my eyes and I finally look in the mirror, I looked very healthy, my face dry with a towel and left there, my surprise was to see who was supported on my bed.

- Anne! .- Not long ago that saw, and did not know about your new life.

-Hi .- was smiling when I went to hug .- What's your new room? .-

I scowl .- It's nice but lonely and there are books that have lived the horrors in this house .- she smiled.

"Then you know Catherine .- It was a statement not a question .- Well .. it was certainly not a saint, but not all here are kidding .- .- Instead, Catherine was a woman seeking revenge, only that, because what they did .-

- Why, did you? .- Had not heard that part.

-books only talk about his atrocities and not what she lived before being immortal, and how it was that made .- apparently was very unfair, since Anne defends her.

- And how was it? .- I was glad to have Anne, would not be alone and learn more about it.

-Catherine before being immortal was the daughter of the richest man in the village, was harassed by men of fortune to learn that his father possessed, they soon woo, was not only that, since Catherine was very beautiful .- The story seemed to Rosalie .- She did not feel any concern for the men who courted, none appealed to him, except Alexander, Alexander was the son of the foreman, a very happy young and handsome, who loved horses, all a rider, not long before Catherine captivate their destresas and skills, but it was not a rich dad wanted for her daughter, of course not. Alexander felt interest in Catherine, rode together, walking on the sidewalks and occasionally were seen in secret to satisfy their lust, both were in love, Catherine wanted to marry him when I mention to Alexander that he pointed to the problematic .- Anne would have stopped a moment to observe my reaction, I smiled to change. "Alexander asked for the hand Catherine and as expected the negative was unequivocal, the father of Catherine the punishment sent away from there, could not say goodbye to her beloved Alexander. Catherine returned five years later, the first thing he did upon arriving was look for Alexander, for his bad luck was already married and had two sons, resentful and sad wed the man her father consented to as his husband, Ricardo, banker, of good family , married and moved to this house, Ricardo noble and happy, however Catherine is bitter and his character became more hard and cold; Ricardo died two years after a stroke. Young widow Catherine, locked himself in his house until one day he decided to leave, the men were fascinated by her beauty, including Alexander advantage that, Catherine persuaded him to leave his wife, both lived together until an immortal who entered his home one night, murderer Alexander and seeing the beauty of Anne Catherine turned .- noise was distracted and not finish history.

- Anne? .- Was left looking towards the place where the noise came from .- what happens? .-

I paid attention and looked serious .- .- It is not me smile, but it was a smile feigned.

-Anne, if we are to escape from here, we must trust one another, why not trust me Anne?

.- .- I doubt a little is not that suspicious of you, but there is much that is and which is not good for you to know, not sure seemed to suffer .- for something.

-Anne, how long you stay with me? .-

-No Marian, Aro has ordered me to stay with you all the time you need, so I'll be gone when you go .- I order? I did not like.

-Anne I love you very much, you're the sister of Emmett and the Cullens and consider you family, so I wonder if among ourselves we may be sincere, at least for the three days that remain .- intimacy was difficult with Anne, but when I did not know what he had suffered. I was thinking

.- It's a little hard for me, but yes, will trust in you as you trust in me, only I need not remember what I say, I repeat, you know it is dangerous .-
Anne, I just have my fifth gift and erase the thoughts Agen, is recent, but I think I know how it works, I hope we help .-

"Well, now, how I stay? .-

- How is that you know Catherine? "Well

.- ..- .- She still hesitated and I met when he was converted, over time we became friends and even help women fend off attackers, when was not left with a clergyman as you just heard, the two fled from here, emigrated to another country where we were greeted with kindness, years after everyone went their way but before I left home saying not wanting to know of the existence it, when I joined the Volturi would visit more often, then asked me to ring the house to use as a tourist attraction, especially to attract human and so we can kill them. I felt sorry for the misuse Aro gave the home, but I myself did the same for many years .-

Anne was not bad, just wanted to redeem himself for acts he committed in the past.

- Do you know why am I here? .- Did not want to be rude, but Anne knew well and was very useful.

"For some reason you are considered very valuable ring, had not locked to anyone else. When I said I wanted to use the house, I found it strange, but then I realized all the gifts he possessed and knew that was not only for you to concentrate, but had a certain ring fixing for you, begin to suspect that will not let you go at it .- agreed.

"Well, we're two .- laughed at me and then put his arm over his shoulder .- Now I do not know what to do, being here is so boring .- recharge my head in my hands like any human, without any need.

"Well, we'll be here three days, we must do something, did you see the library? .-

" Yes, but the books are written in Latin and not end well ... that kind .- I did laugh. "You're funny

admitted .- .- Do not worry there is plenty to do here, we have much time to talk and get to know more, what do you think? .-

" That's great, but what we are talking about first?. -

"Mmm ... what happened to Emmett? .-

" Well, marry again, Rose is working in a hospital and he happy as ever, with cheerful .- I was like, did not know much .

"Good, I hope to visit soon .- insurance ... that would be happy to Emmett, I hope to be present for their wedding ..- What has become of you?," Now who are you? .- Feared that question. ....-

-Con did not want to engage someone .- With anyone, for now I'm single .- casanova my streak was over.

-I thought that he was still in that castle .- Adam had no secrets.

"No, it did not work .- that everyone was talking about my relationships?.

"It happens, what have been Edward? .-

-Just as bitter, but now he does not want to admit that this love with Isabella .- me laugh to remember his face when he learned that he loved her .

- Who is Isabella? .- I forgot that Anne did not know it.

"It's the girl we met and that Edward is in love, just not admit it .-

" Soon we will have wedding .- kidding.

"I do not think Edward is very special in terms of relationships, mostly because he believes he is doomed and has no soul .-

-Solo is scared, do not love somebody .- Anne defended him.

"It's a pessimistic .- Anne

laughed .- Soon this girl will learn and hopefully you do change your mind .-

"Yes, I think .- my phone rang, I thought not having receipt .- Who speaks? .- replied.

"I'm Edward, how are you? .-

" Well, I'm with Anne, now my roommate will

.- "That good, hey I have to tell you something .- sounded nervous.

- What about Edward? .- Was tense, ready for anything.
murdered Adam
-news .- calo me in the depths of my being, put the phone down, I was in shock

I stayed tense moments lived by his side came to my mind, her face, her sweet smile , look at my hand, still had the ring in place, I felt so bad, I had never felt sadness, she loved him, now I realize that.

Anne took the phone and said .- Edward? .-

- Anne?, Where is Marian?, What happened? .-

"Okay, this impacted on the news, What happened Edward? Why they killed him? .-

-Aro accusing him of conspiring against them and help them escape .-

- That's not right! .- Anne was upset.

-Just tell her that I regret .- Edward hung. Anne

on the phone and stared at me, not reflecting my face, apparently saw me wrong, Anne came up to me and hug me, I froze, I never expected that.


it for today, I regret the tradanza, but I'm almost done with the advance! sii!, after that I'll have more time to blog, we read in the next chapter, goodbye.

Mary Anne ..... With love *


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