Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baby Sitter Haveing To Bathe

Raining: D Pretty Litle

aah love me rain: D
currently raining, not as strong as in the photo I put xD but ... it's raining!: D The first rain of the year here Guadalajara:) love youuu
rain, no, it's so ... beautiful, walking in the rain and stomp puddles haha, or just see rain from the window of your room :)... odor.

brings me beautiful memories, and believe in my peace. Do not know exactly why but when it rains much my childhood memories: ')
Playing with my cousins, swimming in the rain, with cars rushing past the puddles xD; aah that beautiful time.
As I love to go back to those times when nothing more worried, where everything was much easier ... just play, laugh, have fun ... : D


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