Good morning, How many times have we seen some beautiful sunsets and views to run out of breath, we've given the camera and when we got home our disappointment was immense? Indeed, it sometimes seems that our photos have a secure future, one in the trash ... Luckily, thanks to photo editing software, we can improve and that's what today we have: enhance photos Photofiltre and four clicks ...
Let's talk about the set of a photo, how to improve the brightness, saturation or contrast amen able to give a new frame.
Let's talk about the set of a photo, how to improve the brightness, saturation or contrast amen able to give a new frame.
1 .- Automatic Adjustments
is as easy as giving the icon Auto Levels or Auto Contrast ...
If the photo looks very "Dead", you can try to fix using the automatic contrast correction (Menu Reglage: Auto Contrast) or by clicking the appropriate icon in the toolbar.
2 .- Manual reset
The simplest are those that by clicking on the appropriate icon, raises or lowers the pitch, brightness ... If we were wrong and we do not like the result we do several things:
- Give the icon opposite to download this tone (or upload)
- editing and undo tab or redo
- Red Arrow blue undo or redo
- Control + Z to Undo or Ctrl + Y for Redo
We now turn to the manual set-up ... Also here you have several options:
- Use the icons on the toolbar (which is what we see today)
- Open the tab "adjustment" and choose the option that you want to disrupt (Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, .. etc ..) and then a screen comes gray. You place your mouse over the button and you carry the right or left ...
Brightness and Contrast
These two icons to correct defects as a grim picture or off ... In general, the brightness (or brightness) and contrast work in tandem. For example if you increase the brightness, your image will look more dull and you have to increase the contrast to give some life to change.
These two icons to correct defects as a grim picture or off ... In general, the brightness (or brightness) and contrast work in tandem. For example if you increase the brightness, your image will look more dull and you have to increase the contrast to give some life to change.
Color or Saturation
Fix saturation is to increase or decrease the intensity (Or purity) of color, a dull blue comes alive for example. Therefore, increasing the saturation, the image is colored more but if I reduce my image will remain in a gray scale and lose its color ...
greatly exaggerated, this is the result of having raised the color ...
3 .- Photo Frame
perfect shot (or so we think) of light, color and contrast but we have a number of elements that annoy pose. In the present example, it seems that our heroine is actually in the Escorial and see the scenery ...
in 3 clicks, fix the situation:
1 .- We chose the right type of selection that we do: rectangle, oval ... Click on the rectangle and go to the photo where I select the party with whom I want to stay ...
In the picture I posted is not very well the rectangle. Poneros glasses or give Control "+" to zoom your screen is closer ... It is the 3rd icon from the bottom (if you enter you will find him quickly Photofiltre). Indeed, to return to a more distant, to give Control - (less)
In the picture I posted is not very well the rectangle. Poneros glasses or give Control "+" to zoom your screen is closer ... It is the 3rd icon from the bottom (if you enter you will find him quickly Photofiltre). Indeed, to return to a more distant, to give Control - (less)
2 .- Tab: Image and display options ... We go to "Full"
3 .- ... And that's the new photo
Look how different the pictures ...
TUTO PhF Reglage
For there is nothing more to add today. What you pass as well by arranging your photos.
Remind yourself that if you want to participate in the challenge of the month, we are still 5 days. Click HERE
and follow the instructions.
Maria Helena
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