Monday, March 14, 2011

Is There A Gastro Virus Going Around

Masks + Templates or Templates "Maks? Birgit


questions last month when we presented the archiconocidos Glimmer and other decorative sprays, made us reconsider and play this month's issue. We assume that we all know those are the masks or templates but there comes a question and you realize that not everyone is familiar with the scrap material. So this month we will stop to clarify this issue and give some ideas to our readers.

recognize that many times, knowing what are the masks and templates, I used these words interchangeably because the effect is almost the same. You put something on paper that prevents the passage of the color (whether Glimmers, paintings, watercolors, GESO ...) but when you decide to delve into the subject you realize that there are nuances ... First template is not exactly the translation of masks: a template is a template in English and vice versa mask results in English with the word "mask." A term widely used in language "photoshopero" but not in the scrap because we are left with the words as they come to us from the USA. In fact you're in San Google the word English will leave millions of Venetian costume masks but no "mask" as we understand it.

At the risk of betraying my age, I will tell you when you start the scrap in Europe, around 2002, there were no scrap paper or decorations, or as much ink as we now use ... Wallpapers were used and the composition of a lifetime to put the title page:

When it's scrap in France begins a stream, called "Scrap Europe" led by the brand Azza, the templates used to cut the photos. This scrap is very clean and admits of no decoration on the role at first ...
But over the months just going from clean and simple, you start to innovate and to accept any stain as you can see in the following photo ...

still have not caught the houses of scrap (actually unborn) and thus there are no maks any mark or not Tim was born (in the world !!!!! scrapero means it does not seem that tall boy aged 15 years) ... and we have to wait 2007 to see the arrival of the first masks or masks as we understand it ...

But what are to our American friends then the templates?? The templates are for them otherwise: ideas for putting our pictures on the pages or world Photoshopero "templates for the digi-scrap ...

We also have what is called the stencils (templates but also renewed formats):
As These brand The Crafter's Shop

masks / mask or templates / templates or stencils: These are the positive and negative of a drawing ... If a mask hiding his face in a Venetian Carnival mask will do the same effect on our role. Where the us to lodge will not pass the color. Conversely, the template makes drawing the air to fall on the color ...

Some practical examples to these videos full of ideas ...

Canadian Cristine, explains how to use the templates: HERE
techniques that are known but very often it will be useful because sometimes it just ends up giving you spectacular results.

And for masks, I leave you with Heidi Swapp ..
Who is Heidi Swapp?
For the rookies, Heidi Swapp is a lifelong escrapeadora. Was among the first to launch book of ideas, set up its own line of stamps, papers and other ... Since I joined the scrap, I heard about it. He lived in China a few years and is back in the USA with her husband and 5 children. Always creating things and continues to innovate ...

What will we see?
As a video of almost 60 minutes with Glimmer Mist techniques and masks.
This "Awesome" video of Miss Swapp, you will see the difference between that gives you the material or what you have to pay you in your pocket. Indeed, use sprays like water ... and come take .. come take ... and then soaking it all with a kitchen paper then pull!! The strip !!!!! When we keep them here for background use for our Art Journal page !!!!!!!!!!!
In order that we leave here the links to your video and your blog so that you can download the pdf of the explanations. VIDEO

you soon ...

Maria Helena


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