Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dragon Ball Z Bulma In Shower


Excuse my absence: (

I went on vacation and there xP I have no Internet or if there is very slow but super!

I have much to post:)) ^ ^ haha \u200b\u200b yeeeiii

I hope you had a great Holy Week and Easter: D, I, thank God, I spend great! in the company of my family members and strangers:)
Back to school on Tuesday (and it starts the same routine forever! I HATE the deadlocks! agggh the same routine: @ but either way, I have Back to reality: / as always mentioned, the only good thing is that I'm coming to see my friend @ s: D and other little people: $ xD

mmm what else ...? ah!

had not had the opportunity to thank my new subscribers: D thank you very much!


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