Friday, April 8, 2011

Optiplex 620 Mit Windows 7

my English classes!

On Wednesday I did my placement test, is at level 4 (of 12) xD, but as there was on the schedule that I could, the teacher told me I could get to 3rd level, in that if there were more hours and where I could (3:00 pm to 5:00 pm or 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm), and thus served as practicing more, and then we said yes:) lol I'll be

going to intensive, which are Monday through Friday. It's something heavy in the morning because I'm going to high school I got home and just like I'm going into English, it takes me like 1 hour each way and a leg: S yes, I know, is far to where I go English.
And so now more than anything because I have less time to post in your blog, or come in to Facebook, Internet! uu but that's ok, I feel more productive and xD because I'm not the whole damn afternoon stuck in the computer: S xD

In English class I have known people very cool ^ ^, I'm happy to have more :)... some friends and are great, work and everything, others have like 19 and so, I mean not my age, I think I'm the smallest in the class hehe, seriously! and good boy hehe. The groups are managed as 10 people or so, so they are very comfortable the classes : D better understand this silent ... you know;)


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