Saturday, April 30, 2011

Heart Palpitations Tingling Fingers

Dreams: ((

Antier dreamed something not very nice: '(
Well, more or less so ...
Tom ♥ I dreamed of, but pretend to ... not like he rejected me or something: (. It was my dream a little weird: S, just remember that Tom was in front of me and my cousin on my side, and you know Tom said "I measure 1.80 (xD I know, weird) and I said "1.80 accurate?" and he turned me to face and is thus that! and told bad "good 1.86" and turned around with my cousin making me an ugly face and I do not speak! and I like this: ((but Tom liked my cousin! only was he looking at her, but otherwise I dreamed that my cousin was ... a ... p * ta: S (she does not, quite the opposite: D) and I said "no because if p ** che Tom, as I saw this in facilota, then goes after her>: (" (haha even in dreams Tom is), like I stayed a little disappointed by that, not because he liked my cousin, but as I had tried. Total who knows how Tom was but after a while I wanted to apologize to me and wanted to be with me and knows that but I said no, but forgive no longer wanted to see or something. And since then I woke up and is like "SOÑE WITH TOM ♥: D" haha \u200b\u200band then "(but was not as nice to say! :(... But I dreamed of TOM ♥ "hahaha


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