Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mature Woman Wearing Girdles

... not that ...

the 1st story

There is a boy ... not that cool, yes, mmm not sure whether I like or do not feel it! : S xD
He is a guy who works at the vet where I take my dog \u200b\u200b^ ^, from the first time I saw him was ... nothing, I like even less. But as I followed my Tommy vaccines and like now are sick of your throat, because every day I went to the vet, so I see the boy every day since a tiempesito xD. Y. .. no, I feel like ... I feel drawn to him somehow ... I think. And apart as he always stares at me and know xD mmm as she likes it or not lol and do not know!, Because I say "I like to see?" and I see it and say "well ... no" but I think maybe that's what he does, you know, heal the animals and so:), then I think that's the part that attracts me it: / because it is so cute with animals ^ ^ the chiquea and so, as I love the animals (except cats: S) because I like it:). But I guess he already has 20-odd years: / I could not move anything between us most likely: / (aii in what I think xD).
The other day I got to go alone to the vet to take my dog \u200b\u200bTommy, and now they treated him and how he had been told that my dog \u200b\u200bstill would not eat, I said if I had a can of food that they sell there has vitamins and knows that truth, and I said "ah yeah sure:), how much?" and the boy said "no, it's not nothing)" and I "aww ok thanks:)." When I go alone, not charge me xD, or just charge me one thing and sometimes not, and when I go with my dad if he comes around haha, I think it is appropriate that I only go xD or not?
haha \u200b\u200bWell, I tell them not to feel: S. .. maybe I do not like, just ... is what makes me say "oh how nice is" no! but hey, we'll see :/... not see myself dating him, because, well for obvious reasons: _________________________
the 2nd story

You see I told you that and between classes in English really well ...
the first day, at the entrance I saw a boy and said "oh like this cute" xD and he saw me come in and we both see ^ ^, go to my room and stay there.
a few minutes, he came into my room: O and we both like: O!
this guy in class stared at me, still continues to xD, and I also sometimes true haha \u200b\u200band now we smile.
The first day at the time departure, I was putting my stuff in my bag and stared at me and he was leaving, then they all left, he was the last, I smiled and turned to me and told me so cute goodbye :) "^ ^ and I thought aww that cute:) haha \u200b\u200b
Yesterday, we play for him and my work together, I noticed he was nervous xD pobresito was wrong at all and I would correct xD and it's good if as $ "haha
We have 10-minute break halfway through the class (I know! that little time: () and they left, I stayed in the room stuck in there xD cell phone, before they left, he stared at me as I wanted to say "come with us?" xD but dared not, then the minute they left, a colleague came and said, "Paola says Julian (name for the boy) that if you're not going to leave?" and I laughed and said "oh yes I'm coming:)"
hence the English Companions, saying bother you "and your girlfriend?, aiii few girlfriends are you?, in the face daily change from single to engaged in a relationship ... " blah blah and rapid turns to me and says "no I have no girlfriend" haha \u200b\u200baii
good, too with this guy is not going :/... but we'll see;) with it if it is more likely that something will happen ..: ) but you know ...


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